English 110: Framing Statement

Learning Outcome 1: I learned how to revise, and the two steps involved. First, global revisions which cover concepts and ideas expressed in the paper and their organization and presentation. Followed by local revisions which would fix all the little things wrong with the essay, like grammar mistakes, sentence structure, and spelling errors.  I first thought about what I wanted to say simplistically and read through my essay to determine whether or not I believed I had accomplished this. Then I went paragraph by paragraph to see if what I had set out to talk about in the beginning of the paragraph stayed consistent throughout the paragraph. Which before this class was something I never did, the only thing I did when it came to revising my papers: I would look to see if I had made any spelling mistakes and other local revisions and call it good because I believed that what I had written made logical sense and there was no need for me to change it. Now I realize that I was quite wrong and that a lot of the time I would really benefit from changing my paper up at a global scale, because I don’t seem to make sense when I write a paper, or at least it only makes sense when I read it not anyone else.

Learning Outcome 2: In this paper I had to use a lot of information from outside sources because it was a research essay. There were a lot of facts that I needed share in order for people to understand me and believe in what I am saying. However, there is one major difference in the evidence interaction that I used in this piece versus the ones I used in English. For English I have to set up the author, provide context, and then lead into the quote before I can even quote it. But in my Environmental essay I didn’t have evidence that could be used in that sense. It was more so facts that would allow me to back up my claims. So there was no author that I was quoting, however I still did need to provide context beforehand. And for both kinds of quotes I had to provide analysis of the quote afterward, basically explaining why this bit of information is important and tying it back to my original argument. My analysis of information presented in this essay is quite convincing and well written. Also, the context flows well and some of the information actually sets up context for other pieces of evidence.

Learning Outcomes 5 and 6: Well this issue here is that the piece work that I have chosen does not use MLA formatting when it comes to citation. In fact this paper uses CSE formatting so I am not sure how much I can talk about this subject.

Learning Outcome 4: One thing I believe I am successful at doing is peer review. I have a certain knack when comes to looking at other people’s work and seeing where they could do better. I try to look at people’s papers as a working piece of art, something that is delicate but mold-able and intricate. So when I peer review I go through it a couple of times, the first being for local revisions, just to get those out of the way so it doesn’t distract me from reading the concept of the paper. Next, I read through the paper again focusing on the ideas and organization of those ideas so that I can look at how their argument flows and whether or not the paper makes sense. I have come a ways from the beginning of class when it comes to peer review, I have become better, I may be pretty good at revision but I can still always learn more.
