English 110: Peer Review

Technology Essay Rough Draft

The first comment shows that I evaluated locally because it pertains to the use of semicolons. The second comment shows that I evaluated ideas because it pertains to the concept covered and asks to expand upon their ideas. The third comment shows that I evaluated evidence because it pertains to providing more background information for the reader, to help them understand the piece of work. The fourth comment shows that I evaluated locally because it pertains to sentence structure. The fifth comment shows that I evaluated locally because it pertains to quotation mark placement. The sixth comment shows that I evaluated locally because it pertains to MLA format because of the page numbers being placed in the wrong place. The seventh comment shows that I evaluated evidence because it pertains to providing more analysis and connection to the topic. The eighth shows that I evaluated evidence because it pertains to quote transitions. The ninth shows that I evaluated evidence because it pertains to a lack of evidence. The tenth and eleventh shows that I evaluated ideas because it pertains to elaborating on ideas. The twelfth shows that I evaluated ideas because it pertains to the content being discussed. The thirteenth shows that I evaluated locally because it pertains to grammar. The fourteenth shows that I evaluated locally because it pertains to MLA format because of the page numbers being placed in the wrong place. The fifteenth shows that I evaluated ideas because it pertains to the concept that she is talking about and asking to elaborate. The sixteenth shows that I evaluated local because it pertains to MLA format because it was not the right font size. The seventeenth shows that I evaluated locally because it pertains to MLA format because of the page numbers being placed in the wrong place.
